Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A weekend to remember!

It all started when our favorite Minnesotians came to help me celebrate "the big one"! On Saturday we spent the day at Brookfield Zoo - can't say who had more fun, Benjamin loving the animals or us watching him! Saturday night we went to the Schnitzel Platz for Octoberfest, food was great and Jessica even won a beer drinking contest, she had to drink from a baby bottle! We were so proud -

Sunday was the best, 20 pajama clad family and friends surprised me (or should I say shocked me) at 9am for a champagne breakfast! Can't believe they were able to pull it off. And I can't believe I didn't hear them coming into the house! Everyone did a wonderful job and it was the best!

But it didn't end there, on Monday courtesy of my former siblings, the Grim Reaper paid me a visit at work! Yep, right there in front of the entire office!

It was a wonderful fun weekend and I will never forget it! But then again, I'm glad it's over and we can get back to our boring life. Oh, did I mention that we leave in less than 2 weeks for our Orient Express trip? Can't wait!

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